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Film Censorship Control and Enforcement Division

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  • 4 Major Aspects Of Film's Contents

4 Major Aspects Of Film's Contents

Public Security and Peace

A film which contains the theme, story line, part or dialogue that touches public security and peace is permitted. Nevertheless, the matters as follow should be given a due attention and be scrutinized in-depth so as not to induce controversy and uncertainty among the society.



A film which contains the theme, story line, part or dialogue that touches the religion’s matters is permitted. Nevertheless, the matters as follow should be given a due attention and be scrutinized in-depth so as not to induce controversy and uncertainty among the society.



A film which contains the theme, story line, part or dialogue that touches the socio-cultural matters is permitted. Nevertheless, the matters as follow should be given a due attention and be scrutinized in-depth so as not to induce controversy and uncertainty among the society.


Decency and Morality

A film which contains the theme, story line, part or dialogue that touches the decency and morality matters is permitted. Nevertheless, the matters as follow should be given a due attention and be scrutinized in-depth so as not to induce controversy and uncertainty among the society



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