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Film Censorship Control and Enforcement Division

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  • The Film Censors Act 2002 Provision

The Film Censors Act 2002 Provision

The Film Censors 2002 (Act 620) provision which was enforced by the Film Censors Division Enforcement Unit:-


Section 5

5. (1) Nobody can:
a) Possess or causing oneself having in possession, guardian, controlling or in possession; or
b) Telecasting, screening, distributing, displaying, making, producing, selling or rent out any
films or pornographic film publicity materials or otherwise are against public decency.


5. (2) Anyone who violates subsection

a) Commits an offence and when Incriminated can be fined not less than ten thousands ringgit
and not more than fifty thousand ringgit or jailed for a term not more than five years or both.


Section 6

6. (2) Anyone who violates subsection (1) commits an offence and when incriminated can:-

a) With regards to any films, is fined not less than five thousands and not more than thirty
thousand or jailed for a term of not more than three years or both; or with regards to any publicity film materials, be fined not less than one thousand ringgit and not more than ten thousands ringgit.

Section 7

7. (3) Anyone without a permit or declaration of exception issued under section 8, shifting or causing
the shift from any custom officer’s control the rights any films or publicity film materials imported to Malaysia would commits an offence;

When incriminated can be fined not less than five thousands ringgit and not more than thirty
thousands ringgit or jailed for a term not more than three years or both.

Section 9

9. (1) The owner of a film should present the film to the Board for censorship according to the stipulated method without any change or cut and at own risk and expense.

a) In the case a film that is imported and is not exempted under sub section 8(3) released under section 7, within the time and the place stipulated in the permit issued concern with the film under sub section 8(1) or

b) As for the rights of a film made or produced in Malaysia and proposed to be screened in Malaysia, within fourteen days fr the date of its production or its release is completed.

9. (2) The owner of a film who violates sub section:

Commits an offence and when incriminated can be fined not less than five thousands ringgit and not more than thirty thousand ringgit or jailed for a term not more than three years or both.


Section 11

11. (1) The materials required by the Board under paragraph 10(1) can be made:-

a) By the Board; or

b) With written permission and subject to any of the Board’s conditions, by its owner

11. (2) If any film is sent and delivered to the film’s owner for reason being to allow its owner to make
changes to the film under paragraph 10(1)(b); the owner have to return the film to the Board:-

a) Within the time determined by the Board; and

c) With any part cut, if changes as such production is made.

11. (3) The film’s owner who violates subsection (2) commits an offence and when incriminated can be fined not less than five thousands ringgit and not more than thirty thousands ringgit or jailed for a term not more than three years or both.


Section 16

Making second film copy

16. (1) If a person intends to make a second copy entirely, or any parts that have been verified under
section 14, he/she should present a statutory declaration to the Board by explaining:-

a) The proposal to make a second copy
b) The number of actual additional copies he/she intends to produce and
c) That the second copy is made from the original film that was passed and verified by the Board, individually under section 10 and 14

16. (2) No one can make make second copy in entirety or any parts and verified by the Board individually under section 10 and 14

16. (3) Any person who violates sub Section (2) commits an offence and and when incriminated can be
fined not less than five thousands ringgit and not more than thirty thousands ringgit or jailed for a term not more than three years or both.


Section 18

18. (1) The owner of a film that was passed by the Board for screening has to be stamped on the film
as a mark of Board’s approval

18. (2) Therefore, need to be displayed according to the way that has been stipulated related to each
film that is passed by the Board for screening

(a) verification as related to the film

(b) the film classification; and

(c) name and address of the person who screens, distribute, displaying or sells, following
anything concern, as related to the film.

18. (3) The film’s owner who violates subsection (1) commits an offence

18. (4) Any person who

(a) screens, distribute, or sells, a film by violating subsection (2), or

(b) displaying concern with a film classification which is different from that provided by the
Board to the film.

18. (5) A person who is incriminated for the offence under this section can be fined not less than five
thousands ringgit and not more than thirty thousands ringgit or jailed for a term not more than
three years or both.

Section 19

19. (1) Every publicity film material has to be presented to the Board according to the way stipulated
for its approval

19. (2) Section 10 and 11 should be adopted for any publicity film materials which is presented to the
Board for its approval as though the word ”film” in that section is changed with the word:
”publicity film material”

19. (3) Any person who violates subsection 11(2) which is read with subsection (2) this section
commits an offence

19. (4) A person who is incriminated for the offence under this section can be fined not less than one
thousand ringgit and not more than ten thousands ringgit


Section 20

20. (1) The Board should stamp the passed marking on any publicity film material which has been
approved by the Board or has been changed as per requisite by the Board.

20. (2) If a number of copies of any publicity film material is presented for the Board’s approval then
the Board should stamp the approved marking on the first copy and the second copy can be made from the first copy.

20. (3) Any person who screens any publicity film material or any second copy of the material without
displaying the passing stamp of the Board with the material commits an offence and and when
incriminated can be fined not less than one thousand ringgit and not more than ten thousands ringgit.



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