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List of recipients (companies and individuals) for out-dated cheques/rejected Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).

Recipients of cheques which were already outdated or EFT being rejected are advised to put in application for the cheques/EFT to be reissued/replaced. Out-dated cheques and rejected EFT are mainly due to the expiry of cheque validity date and EFT being rejected by the bank. Application for the reissuance/replacement of cheque/EFT is to be made via “PTJ Pembayar” by giving the front page of the bank book or the latest bank statement for verification purposes.
Any enquiries pertaining to the matter above, please contact the person in charge at Bahagian Akaun, Kementerian Dalam Negeri as stated below:

Nik Maslinda Binti Nik Hassan 03-8886 8102
Nor Shakila Binti Kamaluddin 03-8886 8475

Nik Maslinda Binti Nik Hassan 03-8886 8102
Nor Shakila Binti Kamaluddin 03-8886 8475



alamat Setia Perkasa 1, 2, 7 & 9, Kompleks Setia Perkasa, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62546 Putrajaya
hubungi Tel: 03 8000 8000
Fax : 03-88891613 / 03-88891610
emel pro[at]moha[dot]gov[dot]my

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