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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What sectors are allowed to employ foreign workers?

A: The approved sectors are as follow:
(a) Manufacturing;
(b) Construction;
(c) Plantation;
(d) Agriculture; and
(e) Services:

(i) Restaurant sub-sector (cooks only)
(ii) Cleaning and sanitation sub-sector
(iii) Resort island sub-sector

Q2: What is the levy payment rate for each approved worker?

A: The levy payment rate for each approved worker varies according to sector. After obtaining approval, the employer must make levy payment according to the following rates:

(a) Manufacturing sector RM 1,850
(b) Construction sector RM 1,850
(c) Plantation sector RM 640
(d) Agriculture sector RM 640
(e) Services sector

(i) Restaurant (cooks) RM 1,850 
(ii) Cleaning and sanitation  RM 1,850
(iii) Resort islands  RM 1,850

Q3: What are the approved source countries for foreign workers?

 A: Intake of foreign workers from the following source countries are allowed:

  • Thailand
  • Indonesia
  • Filipina
  • Kemboja
  • Myanmar
  • Lao PDR
  • Viet Nam
  • Kazakhstan
  • Nepal
  • Pakistan
  • Sri Lanka
  • Bangladesh
  • Turkmenistan
  • Uzbekistan

Q4: Are foreign workers from India allowed to work in the manufacturing sector?

A: No. Foreign Workers from India are only allowed to work only in the services sector (restaurants only), construction sector (high tension cables), agriculture sector and plantation sector.

Q5: Are male workers from Indonesia allowed to work in the manufacturing sector?

A: No. Male workers from Indonesia are allowed to work in all sectors except the manufacturing sector, while female workers from Indonesia are allowed to work in all sectors.

Q6: Are foreign workers allowed to work as cashiers?

A: No. Foreign workers are not allowed to work as front-line workers.

Q7: How to apply for employment quota of foreign workers?

A: Employers are to submit applications to the Ministry of Human Resources online via:

Q8: What action should be taken if the employer fails to register ID in the ePLKS system and is asked to refer to the OSC?

A: Employers need to update the information of the employer/employer's representative using the form



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