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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can I submit my appeal to own firearms straight to the Ministry?

  • No. The scope of the Ministry is to only process the appeal after the application has been declined by the Police.

2. Can the Ministry issue licence for firearms?

  • No. The Ministry only issue result from the appeal of firearms ownership. The licence is issued by the Police.

3. Where can I apply for a firearms license?

  • An application may be submitted to the District Police Headquarters responsible for the applicantÔÇÖs residence.

4. What should I do to check on the status of my appeal?

  • You could contact the Ministry at the phone line 03-88868546/8541 and state your file number to the officer. You could also send a letter to the Ministry or come in person to the Ministry after an appointment. You cannot elect a representative in appeal cases to avoid deception and wrong use of authority.

5. What should I do after receiving the approval letter from the Ministry?

  • Those who appeal should refer to the relevant District Police Headquarters within five (5) weeks after the date on the letter of approval.

6. How could if I want to add to the terms of my licence?

  • For those licence holder with approval from the Police, they could apply to add to their terms to the Police headquarters in Bukit Aman. If the approval is from the Ministry, they must apply straight to the Ministry through the Public Security and Harmony Division.

7. Could I further appeal after the Minister has declined my application?

  • No. Section 30(4) stated that any decision of the Minister is final.

8. What should I do if my application is denied?

  • Those who appeal must submit a new application to their own District Police Headquarters with reasons why the application should be considered.

9. Can I appeal straight to the Ministry even though decision from the General Chief Police has not been received?

  • No. Section 30(4) states that the authority of the Minister to consider any case is only after it has been declined by the Police.

10. What supporting documents should be submitted to update the Ministry Information Centre?

  • General personal documents of those who appeal (current address, telephone number; and
  • Specific documents that could be submitted on the reason for ownership, which are:-
    • To deter agricultural pests land ownership, letter of authority for care of anothers land, damage estimate to crops, replanting programmes, variety and types of crops.
    • Personal and property safety- corporate and personal current financial statements, copy of Police reports (if any)
    • Sports attendance certificates in any competitions local or international level



alamat Setia Perkasa 1, 2, 7 & 9, Kompleks Setia Perkasa, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62546 Putrajaya
hubungi Tel: 03 8000 8000
Fax : 03-88891613 / 03-88891610
emel pro[at]moha[dot]gov[dot]my

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