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Ministry of Home Affairs List


This list is made by the Minister of Home Affairs under the section 66B (1) of the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds From Illegal Activities 2001 [Act 613]. Under section 66B (1) of the Act 613,

Where the Minister of Home Affairs is satisfied on information given to him by a police officer that:

(a) an entity has knowingly committed, attempted to commit, participated in committing or facilitated the commission of, a terrorist act; or
(b) an entity is knowingly acting on behalf of, at the direction of, or in association with, an entity referred to in paragraph (a),
the Minister of Home Affairs may, by order published in the Gazette, declare the entity to be a specified entity.

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Application to list individual or group as a specified entity must be submitted to the Ministry of Home Affairs. Listing application must be made using the following forms:

1.Listing application- individual

2.Listing application- group

Listing application can only be made by the Royal Malaysia Police (RMP). Application from a third party (foreign countries) may also be made through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and RMP.


Any listed individual or group may apply to the Minister of Home Affairs to delete their names from this list. Application for de-listing must be made using the de-listing form. The application form must be submitted to the Ministry of Home Affairs.


Despite being imposed with asset freezing measures, any listed individual or group may apply to the Minister of Home Affairs for an exemption to get access to a certain amount of the frozen asset. This exemption is solely for basic necessities expenses only such as food, fees, utilities and medicines. This application must be submitted to the Ministry of Home Affairs by stating in detail the amount and purpose of the expenditure.

In addition to this, any individual or group who perceive that they have been wrongly sanctioned by the asset freezing mechanism due to having same or similar names as the designated individuals or groups, they can apply to be released from the freezing mechanism by sending relevant documents (eg. identification card, passport, birth certificate, business/society/organization registration certificate) to the Ministry of Home Affairs to support and confirm that they are not the designated individuals or groups that is subjected to the freezing mechanism.



alamat Setia Perkasa 1, 2, 7 & 9, Kompleks Setia Perkasa, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62546 Putrajaya
hubungi Tel: 03 8000 8000
Fax : 03-88891613 / 03-88891610
emel pro[at]moha[dot]gov[dot]my

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